With so many ways to brew, we wanted to offer some recipes to show brewers how others are using El Dorado®. This first recipe comes from Boom Town Brewing and John Fearless Company, which uses El Dorado®, Centennial, Southern Passion, and Cascade.
Name: Wakanda Gold Style: IPA IBU: 60 ABV: 6.5% SRM: >7 Malt Bill: Base Malt Carafoam for some head retention Dextrose to help dry it out a little Hops: 1st Addition: 25BU Centennial 2nd Addition: 20 mins before the end of boil 20BU Cascade Whirlpool Addition: 15 BU El Dorado® Dry Hop: 2lbs per BBL total. Dry Hopped Twice. Once fermentation is done, drop temp to 60F 1st Dry Hop: 1 lb/bbl El Dorado® let the hops sit on the beer for 4 days 2nd Dry Hop: 1lb/bbl Southern Passion. Let the hops sit on the beer for another 4 days then do a forced Diacytil test and chill. "El Dorado® plays well with other hops," Matt Johnson, manager of technical brewing and key accounts for John Fearless. "The combination of El Dorado® and So. Passion really gives off a great stone fruit, Topical dankness that is not over the top. In the bittering, it really gives off a bright, balanced bitterness. El Dorado® is key in this recipe, it really lends a great bitterness and aroma that is nice, balanced but really hop forward."
You can follow along with Boom Town Brewing at @boomtownbrewery and John Fearless Company @johnfearlessco.
If you're a brewery with a stellar El Dorado® recipe, shoot Claire an email at claire@clsfarms.com! We'd love to hear it. Feel free to share this recipe.
Recipe provided by John Fearless Co. Claire Desmarais is the marketing manager for CLS Farms and El Dorado® hops.